Wednesday, March 18, 2015

SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 2:52PM

31 Days of Halloween - the 2013 edition


 Greetings readers!  I've dropped off the OS universe to focus on various other things (including self publishing some fiction).  But I'm going to give the 31 Days of Halloween one last go.  I don't expect many of OSers to be here, alas, and I do apologize for not having kept up with your writings.  Rest assured, I will read and comment more, as I can.
 With that said, this year don't expect anything fancy.  My posts are going to be short and to the point.  The writing won't be good writing.   And, I'm going to be participating in a wider challenge, found here on Facebook: The 30 Day Horror Movie Challenge. 

A preview of the categories.  See you in October!
Day 1- your first horror movie
Day2- the last horror movie you saw in the theater
Day 3- favorite classic horror movie
Day 4- a horror movie you thought you'd love and didn't
Day5- favorite horror remake
Day 6- favorite vampire movie
Day 7- a horror movie you think no one has seen
Day 8- favorite foreign horror
Day 9- favorite super natural horror movie
Day 10- horror movie every one loves but you don't
Day 11- favorite horror/ comedy
Day 12- your most disturbing horror film
Day 13- favorite zombie movie
Day 14- favorite indie horror movie
Day 15- favorite monster movie
Day 16- horror film with a great soundtrack
Day 17- favorite 80's horror
Day 18- favorite horror movie filmed in black and white
Day 19- best use of gore
Day 20- favorite horror character
Day 21- best horror franchise
Day 22-best death scene
Day 23- a great quote from a horror movie
Day 24- horror movie character that describes you
Day 25- favorite Christmas/ holiday horror movie
Day 26- horror movie for a chicken
Day 27-your guilty pleasure horror movie
Day 28- horror film you'd like to see remade/ rebooted
Day 29- worst horror movie
Day 30- your favorite all time horror movie (or one of :) )

 Plus: two more! I have to cover Dia de los Muertos.  Any thoughts on which 2 I should pick from the list below?
Day 31 favorite horror movie theme song
Day 32 a movie that scared you as a child (doesn't have to be "horror")
Day 33 favorite slasher movie
Day 34 horror movie that was ruined by the ending
Day 35 the horror film that started your love for horror
Day 36 favorite contemporary actor in a horror movie
Day 37 best special effects in a horror movie
Day 38 best CGI in a horror movie
Day 39 horror movie that should be seen on the big screen
Day 40 a MUST SEE movie for every horror movie lover

See you in October!
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Oh I love Halloween and the scary movies. We're going into my favorite time of the year. So lets all start decorating, at least our sites! Lets have a contest on who has the scariest theme.
Friday the 13th, Jason and Freddie, Amityville, Horror, The haunting of Winchester house, An American Haunting. I really do like TRUE ghost stories. If anyone knows if any I have not mentioned please tell me. I like to sit on Halloween night and watch a marathon of GHOST STORIES and eat chocolate!
Welcome WriterForever63! I hope you share some of your picks in these categories.
I'm glad you're back, Chiller. My picks are Day 32 & Day 40.
Great to see you back here and looking forward to the October series. My choices are for 31 and 32. Breakout the popcorn ...
Yay!!! Is it that time of year already?

I'm going to see Insidious 2 today.
Halloween is by far and away my favorite holiday (even though it's not a day off "official" holiday)! I enjoyed your series last year and am looking forward to your latest.

I do have a confession, though. In my youth I was so intensely affected by a couple of horror movies that my family was watching that I really can't watch them. (sigh) Some of the oldies that are more camp than scary are still on my annual line-up, but for the most part I have to flip the channel even when I hear the theme music for horror flicks! Lame but true. Rock on, though! I'll be with you all in spirit!!

Guys, it is a pleasure to hear from you again! Again i lament my absence but look forward to reconnecting. Eyespy, don't be ashamed! I'm still quite a chicken in many ways!

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