Saturday, March 21, 2015

OCTOBER 1, 2014 9:35AM

This Machine is Out of Money

Rate: 4 Flag

Title: ATM
Released: March 2012
Director: David Brooks
Writer: Chris Sparling
Notable Cast: Alice Eve, Josh Peck, Brian Geraghty
Plot:  A serial killer with some sort of fetish for automated cash dispensers does humanity a favor by killing three utterly wooden, douchey, stereotypical and uninteresting financial industry larvae.
Commentary:  This movie was pretty damn bad.  The actors were leaden and their line delivery was just painful.  The premise was so byzantine and over the top that it alone makes the movie very psychotronic maybe worth suffering through.
This is a serial killer that has to somehow know that three people have no cash in their wallets and absolutely need some late night pizza.  He also has to know exactly which cash machine they'll use.  
Case in point: slicked-back dark haired alpha finance douche tells I'm-so-nice-and-sensitive finance douche "You better cross your legs, I can see your vagina" - when the later was hesitant to do something (ask a girl out, I think, or push some crap stock on some investor?  I can't remember).
I wonder if the sequel will be titled "Cashback"? "Bitcoin"?
 What We're Afraid Of:  Did I mention ATM is a bad movie?  And yet, I do think it belongs in the canon of horror cinema about the Great Recession of 2008 - current.  The best of these, and a fine film, was Drag Me to Hell
There is clear anxiety about money here, and hints that the killer's motivation may have something to do with his lost savings or a mismanaged portfolio. Perhaps all this really is, is a first strike in a radical French Revolution-style guerilla campaign against Lehman Brothers.


Another 15-Minute Idea Trapped Inside a 90-Minute Movie I see :(
R&R... here's the real economic horror movie: Perfect Storm II - China's Collapse. When the real estate bubble in China deflates, the world's economies follow suite and hundreds of millions of people who work in the service sector find themselves out of work while the value of their McMansions and luxury cars fall to near zero, precious metals plummet and the carbon economy collapses. Due to rising sea levels, NYC, Shanghai, London and LA are literally under water.
Now that is scary!! R&R
Ha What a funny idea for a movie. Definitely a sign of the times.
Linda - a perfect summation of this film if ever there was one!
jmac1949 - I don't think we'll need a film for that. In a couple years we can watch it unfold live on the news.
Zanelle- just the tip of the iceberg, stay tuned.
About time somebody does something to punish those Wall Street bandits. And I have the perfect punishment: they should be forced to spend one week, one solid week, all day, watching ATM, over and over and . . .
Jerry, remember there are limits to the suffering we can inflict on another human being ;)
I'm going to second Linda's comment as I doubt I could top it. However, if "slicked-back dark haired alpha finance douche" suffers in this movie, then it might not be so bad after all.
Alas, VA, the ratio of slicked-back finance douche's agony and death to the amount of time he's on screen being douchy doesn't justify sitting through the movie.
hilarious review! r.

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