Friday, March 20, 2015

OCTOBER 17, 2013 3:18PM

Day 17: Favorite 80's Horror

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30 Day Horror Movie Challenge

Oct. 17: Favorite 80's Horror Movie

Lame category. I can't possibly narrow it down.  In fact, I can only think of it terms of subgenres.
When you think of 1980s horror cinema, what comes to mind?
Is it the vampire? The coming-of-age, hormone infused vampire horror-comedy? The art-house vampire film (only two come to mind)?
Or is it the franchises?   The BigThreeFranchises , which spawned promise breaking "Final Chapters ," and countless neverending entries that were the atrocious, quadruple chromosomed third cousin-brother-uncle of the original film
I say the winner is the first category.  I came of age in the 1980s after all, and there is no more perfect 1980s and summer movie than The Lost Boys, with its Californian promises of eternal summer (and by extension, youth), and the way it looked back to the 1960s for Dyonisian icons.  There's nothing like putting yourself in the shoes of that guy with his first girlfriend and an exciting horror mystery to solve (especially when you perceive your own life to be boring and suck).  For the straight male teen, there was the dangerous, evil embodiment of all your fevered adolescent anticipations on the big screen.  The gay male teens had some subtext, some eye candy and sadly, some things to decry.  Lesbians had a hugely iconic film featuring the best song by Goth rock legends . Yes, the vampire sank its fangs in the 1980s to curiously languid, warm, enthralling and pleasant effect.
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Well, unfortunately the 80's are pretty much a blur to me ... :-O ... still who could POSSIBLY forget The Hunger???? It played in all the local bars in LA ... Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sarandon and my all time fave-o-fave, David Bowie (did you ever see the iconic 70's flik "The Man Who Fell to Earth"?) ... tasty, indeed!

I unfortunately only saw this once ... and in a state that assured I'd never remember anything about it.
I think of Ghostbusters... mostly because everyone I knew thought I would love it and I was forced to watch the thing with friends about 18 times once it hit HBO... No real scares, but I remember really laughing. The first three times. After that...not so much.

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