Wednesday, March 18, 2015

JANUARY 22, 2012 2:14PM

West Memphis Free

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My wife had an opportunity to attend the Peter Jackson produced "West of Memphis", a documentary which she described as superb.  I was quite jealous.  I'm currently viewing "Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory" on HBO on demand because I'm yet unable to see the new documentary. The graphic crime scene photos are extremely disturbing.
Also disturbing is the leaked evidence of jury misconduct.  That alone should equal a dismissal of all charges instead of the bizarre "I'm guilty but I'm not really guilty and the court has no responsability" deal brokered to save Damien Echols' life.
The story is infamous and very well known, but I'm told "West of Memphis" isn't beating a dead horse, and is relevant and powerful.  I wonder what Joe Berlinger thinks of the film?  Joe Berlinger is great.  His sequel "Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows" is highly underrated as a horror film.
As I type I'm watching 1994 testimony from one Dr. Dale W. Griffis, "Expert on the Occult."  Did you know child murdering Satanists can be distinguished by their black t-shirts, black fingernails and black hair dye?  Did you know that the three victims have to somehow do with "666"?
The defense challenged "Dr." Griffis credentials, such as they were.  A mail-order PhD were his qualifications, one that required attending no classes.  Read more about his qualifications and credibility here.
They revisited Dale Griffis in 2010, where he talked about the start of his career and the "Explosion of satanism cases!"  He pulls out a VHS of a deliciously dated 20/20 segment which helped to spread the Satanic Panic:

I'm far more frightened by Judge David Burnett, and what he told the court is perfectly acceptable as "expert testimony" in the State of Arkansas.  I don't have the verbatim transcript or a youtube clip, but he said something to the effect that "In the state of Arkansas you can have a 3rd grade education as long as you have knowledge, experience in the field - a phD wasn't necessary."  I'm not doing the words justice - they are flabbergasting.  It stunned me and drove home many points.
You think this could never happen again, with the readily available knowledge and information we have?  I'm not sure.  People still set themselves up as unimpeachable experts and cling to and espouse bizarre beliefs and theories, preach them with fevered zeal and summon no small amount of volatile anger if they're challenged.
And some of them are on OS. 
Think critically as you read other OSers posts.  
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Excellent post! I just saw "Paradise Lost :3 the other day and was so happy to see justice sort of served in that case. Since I watched the first documentary several years ago, I had a feeling something was seriously wrong with the way it turned out. I will definitely see "West of Memphis" as soon as it hits my market.
Thanks Bbabe - hope that you're well!
I almost cried when I saw this segment on TV. I was so touched that this brilliant, well-rounded, kind teen would love science and mankind so much as to dedicate herself to a cure of cancer. She is my hero. I hope this kind of kid can be a role model to all her peers.
I experienced "experts" firsthand. I am chilled to the bone and will never be the same. What happened in Memphis is happening all the time, from what I've learned since.
It is certainly happening in the Los Angeles Superior court. There are two doctors named, Dr. Kaushal Sharma and Dr. Francisco Velarde who are on call to falsify reports and declare innocent individuals "incompetent" and to "forcefully medicate" them if those innocent people want to take the case to trial. In my case, they got foiled Now, the court won't let me sue them. Thank you for discussing this. Judges like Maria Stratton , Karla Kerlin, Robert Vanderet, and the judge you mention work hand in hand with malicous prosecutions and they get away with it. It's all about money and power and it's evil and scary.
fernsy and I bumped. I sure know the DoJ doesn't care about serving Justice.
Lawyers cover for creepy tug peers. Bankers steal leftover WW2 sea ration.
I Vietnam we 'grunt' draftees got heavy duty dark military can-green painted.
The Supreme Court 'ought' to wear Boston Red Socks (Sox) and Cheese hats.
Meat Packer.
Mule Sinners.
I know of this case but haven’t seen any of the docs, although I know they have been highly acclaimed (and as a documentary lover, I should check them out). Critical thinking is indeed important and seems to be an increasingly lost art, to the detriment of all.
Fernsy - that's very sobering news. Keep us updated on this case you're experiencing.
Art - sure, the Supreme Court SHOULD wear Red Sox hats, I guess? Plus, what's a "mule sinner"?
VA, for sure, the docs are fascinating. I'm sure you can at least catch the Peter Jackson produced one.

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