Saturday, March 21, 2015

SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 11:10AM

Squeeze Once If You Understand

Rate: 7 Flag
(Alan Moore, Melinda Gebbie; from 9/11: Artists Respond)

Read it.  Read the whole thing here.  It comes together beautifully.
 This is a panel of only one page.  Let's give a bit more context.



@Jerry DeNuccio - which panel are you referring to? The tower of cards?
I wish we thought like this year round.
Thank you, Chiller.

Sadly, people seem to glom onto simplistic reductions of a complicated world and the lives within it, with a variety of inevitable, destructive results. I keep hoping that the earth's population gets smarter in this regard, and in some cases do, but there are so many others that just want to drag it all backwards. But then that's always been the battle of life, so it seems.
Yeah. Its 13 years after that day and I've lost hope that we'll ever learn. Thanks VA.

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