Saturday, March 21, 2015

JANUARY 6, 2015 1:53PM

Meet the Mormon!

Rate: 10 Flag


Released: October 2013?
DirectorAnthony DiBlasi
WritersBruce Wood, Scott Poiley
Notable Cast Dawn Olivieri, Mitch Ryan, Kip Pardue
Plot Katherine is a struggling mother trying to create a better life for her and her son. She meets Elder Brock, a handsome Mormon missionary with a troubled past and they begin an incendiary love affair. But when Katherine reunites with her estranged husband, Elder Brock can't accept that things are over - and he will stop at nothing to prove to her that they are meant to be together forever! - Source: imdb user Bruce Wood
Commentary: I watched this one with a group of ex - some just lapsed - Mormon friends, most of them members of the LGBT community. And I will admit, this was done in the spirit of wrong fun.  They were highly amused.  By all accounts the film recreated the missionary experience accurately, sans the love affair/obsessive violence, of course.
Missionary has a bit of a split personality problem. 
It has a precious indie feel about it, complete with shimmering indie soundtrack, tasteful eroticism (cheesecake mostly focused on the hunky Elder Brock played by Mitch Ryan) and softly lit, introspective scenes. 
Katherine, the mom drawn into the affair, has some quiet scenes reminiscent of the transgressive joy felt by Diane Lane's character in Unfaithful, although she is separated from her husband and doesn't have that burden of guilt. 
So for a long while you may think this film is all about Katherine eating, praying, loving and getting her groove back.  You go girl!
But then Katherine's husband (Kip Pardue) returns to reconcile with his family, Elder Brock snaps, and it all descends into Lifetime Television for Women/Fatal Attraction land, and beyond.  
The violent stalking is capped off by an amazing gratuitously gruesome horror movie scene.  I loved it!
We don't really come to understand much about Elder Brock and why he's so broken.  Tragic past, relationship violence, rigid religious outlook (while breaking many of its rules) - in the end, Elder Brock is just your stock Lifetime villain obsessed lover.   But hey, we've never seen a Mormon missionary in that role before!
Of note is the way the film touched upon the issue of race in the LDS Church.  A scene where Katherine is speaking to a black male acquaintance causes Elder Brock some rage.  "What's up with Mr. Mark of Cain?" he asks her, before deciding to beat him to a pulp later on.
Race is an uncomfortable topic in Mormon doctrine, and it goes beyond not allowing black males to hold the priesthood, a ban lifted as recently as 1978.  You can read more from these sources.  The thing to remember is that in some ways, Mormonism is highly and rapidly adaptable when it wants/needs to be (polygamy reform, for example).  Black membership in the Mormon Church is apparently on the rise.
Regardless: in the end, Missionary is entertaining, well acted and psychotronic enough to be worth it, even if where it all goes is no surprise.

Also check out: "The Case of the Manacled Mormon"- a similar premise in reverse, in the UK, and it's all true!  Watch the documentary Tabloid, about Joyce McKinney, a former beauty queen who kept her young Mormon missionary obsession chained to her bed ...
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This is an interesting article. Not much into stalker violence, so i'll pass. But thanks for the warning!
Understood PW, but thank you for reading!
I'd never heard of this film, so thank you for the information about it. I'm wondering if this film is an example of the term often used to pitch a film or TV show: High Concept.
Thanks Jerry - it is possible! The film didn't get much distribution but has made the indie circuit.
BTW, nice comment at my place! TY!
Sounds like a bit of a hoot. (Will wait for it to show up on TV)
R&R ;-) "Kinky Sex" with Missionaries in bondage... way to start the New Year!
Interesting movie. Thanks for the review. My young black friend joined the Mormon Church. Odd. He wanted some respectability and they tried to help him. They seem to have lots of money for food banks and employment services etc. Under all religions there seems to be sexual tensions. hmm....
Where DO you find this stuff????? No kidding, you totally amaze me Chiller. Wow.
Perhaps Katherine just got bored with the Missionary position (ba-dum!).

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