Saturday, March 21, 2015

OCTOBER 9, 2014 8:03AM

It's Not Bull: I Know Cuz IT'S ON THE INTERNET!!!!!

Rate: 13 Flag

Released: 2012
Director: Christopher MacBride
Writer: Christopher MacBride
Notable Cast: Aaron Poole, James Gilbert
Plot: Found footage of two NYC indie filmmakers who set out to make a documentary about conspiracy theory nuts.  They ultimately stumble upon some highly devastating "truth."
Commentary: This is a film that will make conspiracy psychos, would-be Alex Joneses and some OSers salivate in delight.
And even so, I liked The Conspiracy.  It's a tight enough thriller that it won't make you groan about 'found footage'.  All actors did a decent job. 
It's a mishmash of a few films.  Some Blair Witch,  some The Wicker Man,  a dash of The Stepford Wives, and a whole bunch of the YouTube videos of several tin-foil hat wearing whackjobs. 

But there were effective and original new twists, even if you could see how it all would end.
Sadly, the film doesn't include Illuminatus space lizards, my favorite conspiracy villains ever.  It skews more towards the cabal of rich powerful white males theory, the ones that do circle jerks in Bohemian Grove or lick each other's Harvard class rings or control every event in history because they can, or whatever.
One particularly fascinating element was the introduction of Mithraism into the plot.  This ancient cult has been at the edges of our culture for centuries. And if you recall, this martial religion could very well have shaped our dominant monotheistic religions.  Not that theology runs deep in the film, but if you put it in the larger context of our religion-obsessed government, it becomes more interesting.

What We're Afraid Of: Very simply, this film serves up the anxieties of that ever growing class of American conspiracy theorists.  And they probably feel happy and validated instead of afraid. 
 I'm also wondering if, like so many other movies I'm talking about in this year's Halloween season, there's economic fear at play.  The villainous club, after all, is the mother of all One Percenters.
Really, this film should have been more widespread as it taps into a zetigeist of 21st century anxiety.
 Chillerpop takes all questions and comments via Twitter (@Chillerpop) or via Facebook

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This actually sounds like something I would like. Scary with lots of twists and turns. Thanks.
Sounds worth a look. Thanks.
Yeah, yeah...but does it PREDATE the Cult of Cthulhu? That's what I want to know... (where do you FIND these films???)
Zanelle, DandyLion - enjoy. You could do worse for a scary movie

Hi Jonathan!

KC - if you live in the world of HP Lovecraft, nothing precedes the Cult of Cthulhu! As to where do I find them? Stumbled on this one on Netflix...
R&R and as for conspiracy theory based religion my absolute favorite is Scientology. ;-)
Non-movie fan that I am, this one sounds like fun! (And if there's one that DOES involve space lizards, I'd consider seeing that too! I lerv the space-lizard conspiracy.)
Jmac - oh, no doubt! Ever since L. Ron and Aleister Crowley decided to have a threesome with Jack Parson's wife to create the Antichrist, Scientology all pretty much writes itself!

Myriad - another space lizard fan! I think this might be the horror movie script I should write. Do you think they lay eggs? Do they have frilly scales?
Actually, this does sound interesting.
this is definitely worth a look.
But do they put the courageous dissenters in FEMA camps and are all the camps run by Jews? Because that's where it's at, Chiller.

Cause if it's on the Net it HAS to be true!! ;) EEK!! ~flees into the thorn bushes~ I'm going to play Super Mario!! :D
TALK ABOUT CONSPIRACIES! The Christian Fathers put the kibosh on Mithraism in an ecstasy of Prevarication!

Mithraism was so popular in the Roman Empire and so similar in important aspects to Christianity that several fathers were compelled to address it, disparagingly .

For example, in his Dialogue with Trypho, Justin Martyr (100-c. 165) acknowledged the mysteries of Mithra and claimed that they were "distorted from the prophecies of Daniel and Isaiah":

'And when those who record the mysteries of Mithras
say that he was begotten of a rock,
and call the place
where those who believe in him are initiated a cave,
do I not perceive here
that the utterance of Daniel,
that a stone without hands
was cut out of a great mountain,
has been imitated by them,
and that they have attempted likewise
to imitate the whole of Isaiah's words? '

Pthaw, this STILL pisses me off...
VA, FM - if you do catch it, let me know here what you thought.

OIT - the way I hear it, FEMA camps are where the Antichrist lounges around torturing people into split personalities.

James - Superb background! Thanks for that!

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