OCTOBER 12, 2013 7:52PM
Day 12: Most Disturbing Horror Movie
30 Day Horror Movie Challenge
Oct 12: Their Satanic Majesties Request
(Source: imdb) Heidi,
a radio DJ, is sent a box containing a record -- a "gift from the
Lords." The sounds within the grooves trigger flashbacks of her town's
violent past. Is Heidi going mad, or are the Lords back to take revenge
on Salem, Massachusetts?Rob Zombie is a fiercely independent filmmaker. With The Lords of Salem
Independent enough not to provide you with the titillating sophmoric nudity many horror fans enjoy (apart from one shot of Sherri's Moon). But nudity he does bring you. And it's not the happy kind...
No, these witches are gruesome, malevolent baby killing hags through and through. In fact, I changed my mind: was Zombie playing into evangelical sensibilities? I could see Jack Chick or Pat Robertson getting down on their knees with tears of joy in their eyes and praising Jesus for The Lords of Salem, a film that depicts each and every last act and happenstance of what they think Wiccans, Buddhists, New Agers, Secular Humanists, etc etc really do with their spare time. I'm shocked it hasn't sparked a new wave of satanic panic like the devil films of the 70s did.
And so, after viewing the film, I was disturbed. Not scared, not fearful, just left with racing nightmarish thoughts and a sense of sick lingering dread hat I couldn't shake for three nights. This is all a result of trying to process the film's last act, which was waves upon waves of surreal misogynistic images, extreme blasphemy and satanic psychedelia.
I don't know if I'll ever watch it again, but I'll never forget it. And so, I have to applaud Zombie for his uncompromising way.
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