Wednesday, March 18, 2015

OCTOBER 17, 2012 9:59AM

Q is for ... (31 Days of Halloween, Oct. 17)

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It's my weak week.  I told you I had nothin'....
 I've never seen Q: The Winged Serpent, but I remember the trailer  in the early 1980's making a big impression on me.  This trailer looks more like a hoot.  Sad, eerie shot of the Twin Towers, and a sun-bathing yuppette snatched from the roof of her Manhattan penthouse.

This film ostensibly has to do with Mayan mythology, long an interest of mine....


I've read about this movie a few times and would like to see it. It's supposed to be a deeply flawed mish-mash, but with some interesting, quirky points as part of it, not to mention a great cast. And if the damn thing waited for 10 centuries, it's got the patience of a saint.
Well thank you, VA. I know this movie has a cult, and you seem clued into that. So now I kinda HAVE to watch it in earnest.

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