OCTOBER 1, 2013 9:44AM
Day 1: Your First Horror Movie
30 Day Horror Movie Challenge
October 1st: Waxing Nostalgic!
couldn’t have been later than 1978 in Barcelona Spain, where, perhaps
in an attempt to confront and vanquish the memory of a recently departed
...one of three national TV channels (and the only ones) in the post-Franco republic aired House of Wax
I couldn’t bear to watch it.
I couldn’t bear NOT to watch it.
I was in second grade, and ‘Casa de Cera’ was the talk of the schoolyard the whole day. A group of us clamored for our moms to take us us to Barcelona’s wax museum,
where we further guaranteed ourselves, and by default our poor moms, a
sleepless night by subjecting our eyes to the wax Draculas and
I now own a DVD copy of House of Wax.
I can safely report that the skulking, stalky, what’s-outside
your-window creepery still has the power to impress and horrify minds
both young and old! The unwaxing of the fiend is still a strong horror
experience. And the film’s eerie visuals and lush atmosphere are
delightful. Classic, elegant and scary as always is Vincent Price as Professor Jarrod. The film also includes Morticia Addams protagonist Carolyn Jones and - get this - Charles Bronson as Igor!
While I know of this
movie, I've never seen it but have always wanted to --- would have been
fun in the original 3D. I can't remember what my first horror film
would have been, but I probably would have seen it on Sir Graves Ghastly
from Detroit, who I watched all the time as a kid
Franco would have been horror enough ....
Franco would have been horror enough ....
Hi Chiller Pop! I love
the 31 days of Halloween! I have such an overactive imagination that I
smartly never subjected myself to horror movies. My first was Night of
the Living Dead, which was so bad I thought Hey I can handle this (21
y/o). So I trief Halloween. WRONG!!
By the way it was tried
Halloween. Stupid phone. The Spiral Staircase is about as horror-y as
I get. Stupid phone wouldn't let me finish the first time.
The earliest one I can
remember was a Brit B&W called The Screaming Skull. Very very scary
for a kid. The only one that ever gave me nightmares though was The
Muse, Halloween was
probably my next major horror film, apart from a whole bunch of Hammer
horror I consumed as a kid. NotLD is also a tough first film for a kid!
Abra: that was the only one that's ever burned itself into my nervous
system. Screaming Skull sounds fun though!
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